best offer

why pay less for more ?

we have a great offer for you if you want to fly just you with tandem pilot, or if you have the someone else do with you share experience with us , and if there are more than three of you.
Choose your flight plan and send us a message with the chosen plan and we will make that plan come true with the nice weather coming our way!

30% off

solo plan


Per one passanger

  • One flight
  • Instructor's Help
  • Re transport.
book Now

Limited plan !



Per two passanger

  • Two flight
  • Instructor's Help
  • Re transport.
book Now

Limited plan !

three +


Per three or more pasanger

  • Unlimited Jumps
  • Instructor's Help
  • Coffee&cookies
book Now

Limited plan !

challenge yourself

come and fly with us

we have a great offer for you if you want to fly just you with tandem pilot, or if you have the someone else do with you share experience with us , and if there are more than three of you.
Choose your flight plan and send us a message with the chosen plan and we will make that plan come true with the nice weather coming our way!

book flight